
Tehama County Asset Seizure Defense Lawyer

不幸的是, in California and throughout the United States, law enforcement and other government entities will, 有时, confiscate 合法的ly-owned property from law-abiding citizens for no apparent reason. Though this may shock 你, 它发生, and if this has recently happened to 你, 你 should strongly consider hiring an experienced Tehama County asset seizure defense lawyer who can work to re-obtain/recover the property that is rightfully 你rs. 联系 Cohen Criminal Law today to schedule 你r initial consultation with our firm.

Why Hire a Tehama County Asset Seizure Defense Lawyer?

不幸的是, in California and throughout the United States, law enforcement and other government entities will, 有时, confiscate 合法的ly owned property from law-abiding citizens for no apparent reason. Though this may shock 你, 它发生, and if this has recently happened to 你, 你 must act very quickly to hire an experienced Tehama County Asset Seizure defense lawyer who knows the intricacies of the law and who can work to get 你r property back. 联系 Cohen Criminal Law today to schedule 你r free initial consultation with our firm. Our firm knows Asset Forfeiture/Wrongful Seizure law.

Imagine this: one day, while driving on the highway, 你 are stopped for speeding or another traffic violation. A law enforcement officer, in addition to talking to 你 about 你r speeding ticket, begins to ask 你 questions about whether 你 have anything illegal in 你r car. You know that 你 don’t have anything illegal in 你r car. As a law-abiding citizen, 你 have nothing to hide, 然而, 你 are a bit 困惑 as to why 你 are being asked these questions. “Mind if I take a quick look in 你r car?” asks the officer. 再一次。, 困惑, 害怕, wanting to get on 你r way, and knowing that 你 do not have anything illegal in the car 你 say, “当然, 去吧.”

The officer locates the cash that 你 had in 你r suitcase or in 你r backpack that 你 just obtained from selling 你r boat or car or another personal asset. Perhaps this is all the money that 你 were able to save over the course of the last five years that 你 were going to use for a 合法的 purpose.

The officer “seizes” the money and stuffs it into an evidence bag along with 你r cellphone. 这合法吗?? Doesn’t he need a warrant to just take my money? This may sound like some sort of nightmare, or something that only happens on television, 然而, it happened to 你 and happens to plenty of other innocent people on a fairly regular basis. 事实上, 在很多情况下, law enforcement does not even require a warrant to enter 你r car or home to seize 你r assets. 那么该怎么办呢?? Speak with a knowledgeable California asset seizure defense attorney who will work hard to ensure that 你r property is returned to its rightful, 合法的, 老板, 你.

What Property Can an Asset Seizure Attorney Recover?

There are various types of property that our Red Bluff criminal lawyer can work to recover on 你r behalf. 例如, we may recover cash, 珠宝, 汽车, professional licenses, investment accounts, and even real estate properties. 话虽如此, if 你r property has been wrongfully seized, 你 cannot afford to hire just any attorney. You need an attorney who understands the ins and outs of the asset seizure laws here in the state of California. Fortunately, 你 have just found that lawyer in Attorney 欧博平台注册 of Cohen Criminal Law.

联系 Our Tehama County Asset Seizure Defense Lawyer

As 你 can imagine, when it comes to having 你r rightful property returned, time is of the essence. 联系 Cohen Criminal Law today so we can analyze the circumstances of 你r case, determine the best strategy going forward, and swiftly implement that strategy in an effort to win 你 你r property back.

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